Take all the chicken off the bones if you haven’t done so already. Place in a container to enjoy later. Place the chicken carcass in a large stockpot.
1 chicken carcass from a 4-6 lb chicken is good
Add all of the remaining ingredients, except the vinegar, and bring to a boil.
Cold water, 3-4 large carrots, 1 Onion, 4 Celery stalks, 1 large head of garlic, 1 Tbsp. black peppercorns, Lots of kosher salt like 2 Tbsp., Fresh Herbs, Lemon, 3-4 chicken bouillon cubes
Turn down to a simmer and skim off any foam that has risen to the top. (this is optional) Just gently push the ingredients down and skim the top. (there might not be that much).
Then add the apple cider vinegar. The vinegar helps break down the bones and connective tissues in the chicken, making it easier to extract essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This results in a more nutrient-rich stock. It also can help in extracting collagen from the bones, which can turn into gelatin during the cooking process. We love a gelatin-rich stock!
1 Tbsp. Apple cider vinegar
Simmer gently for about 3-4 hours, or up to 8 hours, skimming the top as needed.
Pass the stock through a sieve. I like to use a ladle, place a fine mesh sieve over a large bowl and ladle the stock in. Press down gently on the veggies to make sure you get every lost drop of goodness. Divide into smaller containers or in 1 large container.
Allow to cool for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Now you have stock to use in your next soup recipe or whatever you need stock for! Keep stock in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze up to 3 months.